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True heroes sacrifice for the benefit of others – even others most alien.

For the Kota Warriors, everything has changed.  Ebon, their new home, is a desolate planet never meant for human life.  The native Kynajabi creatures threaten the Ebonite colonists’ survival, and the ruling Council has sent their army to eradicate the beasts.  Many soldiers have died, and fear grows over the dark planet with every Kynajabi attack.

The Warriors are soon entangled in the turmoil of this new world.  The Warrior Seer becomes a god-prophet, working to guide the suffering Ebonites and veterans of the Kynajabi Eradication Effort.  The Hunter and Fighter continue to search for their missing Earth enemy, but soon an unexpected source tells them of a new mission.

And the Leader?  If Cliqani can heal her mysteriously resurrected Earthling patient, hope may return to Ebon.  But should Cliqani heal the woman only to send her to the army and her probable death?

As snow begins to fall, the army nears the Kynajabi nest.  However, Trok’s Ebonite friend holds the secret that will truly restore peace for Ebon and its inhabitants…if they will listen.


  • “Big philosophical ideas, world-building, compelling characters, mysteries in space, superpowers, humor… I had so much fun reading this book, and I’m eagerly awaiting the third one.”
  • “Always original and compelling, Sunshine Somerville continues the tale of The Kota as she adds a thrilling new dimension to her epic saga and it’s sure to captivate your imagination.”
  • “The author also did an amazing job creating this new world. Due to the human link, there are some similarities, but she adapted references to time, manner, and even culture into a fascinating society – great world-building.” – Rebecca McCray, author of The Journey of the Marked
  • “I knew this was going to be a five star read from the beginning. For my money it is actually better than The Kota which I loved as I think there is another level of complexity to the ever evolving saga.” – 5 Star Goodreads Review
  • “I loved the first book in this series and wanted to be blown away by this one. I was!” – 5 Star Goodreads Review

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