Once upon a time and with surprising frequency, dragons kidnapped helpless princesses. As the ultimate romantic gesture, heroic princes fought the dragons and saved the damsels in distress.

At least, that’s the story you’ve been led to believe. But here’s a little secret: Sometimes the dragon saved the princess from the princes…

In the kingdom of Marshwood, everybody lives happily ever after – orphans, stepmothers, everybody. King Wesick is wise and beloved. Queen Mattea is beautiful and kind. Prince Nolan is handsome and brave, and his sister Littagale is smart and talented. But when it comes time for Princess Littagale to marry, suddenly the dragon Tor flies down from Mount Shadow, kidnaps the princess, and flies her to his dark lair.

“Oh, no! The horror! Who will save her?” cry the townspeople.

With great fanfare and the cologne of testosterone, princes from near and far arrive in Marshwood and vow to rescue the princess – in exchange for the honor of becoming her husband and inheriting the kingdom. The townspeople rejoice, place bets, and everyone waits to see who will defeat Tor and save Princess Littagale.

But what secret is Queen Mattea hiding? And why does Tor have a spa in his lair?


  • “Wonderfully witty and charming in every way. Highly recommended.” – Wishing Shelf review 
  • “an unconventional fairy tale where the princess can take care of herself.” – LitPick review
  • “I enjoyed reading this captivating fairytale and recommend it to princesses everywhere of every age. A few young princes might even benefit from this irresistible tale.”  – Susan Sewell, ReadersFavorite.com
  • “In a world where so many stories and so many tales seem suspiciously similar, A Fairly Fairy Tale is uniquely refreshing.” – Ray Simmons, ReadersFavorite.com 
  • “A Fairly Fairy Tale is an imaginative comedic treasure readers will fall in laugh with.” – Lesa McKee, ReadersFavorite.com
  • “While A Fairly Fairy Tale is written for a preteen audience, don’t let that dissuade you from taking a look between the covers. This fairy tale rocks” – Jack Magnus, ReadersFavorite.com

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